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A serene bedroom with a large bed covered in a light gray duvet. The wall behind features a large Rose Peonies Wallpaper Mural in soft pink tones by Decor2Go Wallpaper Mural. A wooden bench with an open book and a laptop.
A cozy room corner featuring a wooden ladder with a draped blanket, a white storage bag with eyelashes design, a panda painting against the wall, and a circular rug on the floor with Decor2Go Wallpaper Mural's Rose Peonies Wallpaper Mural.

Rose Peonies Wallpaper Mural

SKU: 283031733

These beautiful peonies are a wonderous site that many have grown to love and cherish. Our Rose Peonies Wallpaper Mural captures the elegance and romance of these flowers creating a brilliant maze of pinks and creams that are endearing to the mind.

This wondrous image will breathe life into any open space while giving off an inspiring feel.